


Very rich, refined polychrome decoration with a profusion of decorative techniques. Predominance of burnished gilt and blue azurite with a significant presence of red and green glazes. Some hair is decorated with matte gilding and polished flesh tones are pale and delicate with fine detail regarding the way in which not only eyes and lips have been painted, but also the tears on the face of the figure of St. John.

Decorative techniques:

• Punchwork done with different sized holes.

• Gilt continuous fleurs-de-lys-patterned applied brocade with fine details picked out in red and green glaze and metallic applications in gold.

•Local applied brocade applied to silver with a green glaze. The brocade patterned with lines and circles is made up of several pieces.

• Red Sgraffito on gold forming branches with  gold metallic applications.

• Golden patterns on blue azurite. 

• Gold metallic semi-circumferences of different sizes and small blue balls probably made of glass, either on their own or combined with stars and gold circumferences, creating starry patterns.