


The Church of the Assumption of Our Lady Into Heaven in Rentería is a Gothic-Renaissance style church with three naves of the same height rounded off by polygonal apses and side-chapels between the buttresses. It was built between 1523 and 1571 on the same spot where a previous temple, which had been documented from at least mid-XIV century, had been seriously damaged by fires in the years 1479 and 1512.

In the first half of the XVII century, the Classicist Baroque portal on the north façade was built, although its decoration and figures were not completed until 1678. Restoration work of the presbytery and the installation of the current main Neoclassical-style altarpiece was completed in 1784.

One century later, the new Neo-Gothic-style bell tower was built and restoration work was carried out twice between 1913 and 1924 when window spaces were enlarged, glass windows were installed, a new access was opened to the south with the restoration work carried out on that particular section and the side-chapels to the left of the church were also built.