

The Annunciation
© Albayalde  CC-BY-NC-ND


The altarpiece depicts important scenes from the life of Jesus the Infant: in the centre compartment, we can see a Nativity/Adoration scene located in a grotto with the figures of the Virgin Mary, St. Joseph and six angels all carefully located to the right side of the composition. Opposite them stand seven shepherds, some of whom are playing musical instruments while another seems to be listening to the announcement being made by the angel flying over the cave. Still more angels are flying towards the latter. The upper section of the altarpiece is reserved for a gathering of several horsemen belonging to the different entourages of the three wise men. In the upper attic, God the Holy Father is positioned between two angels, holding a globe in one hand and giving His blessing. 

The scene of the Annunciation of the Holy Virgin is on the left wing. She is kneeling on a prayer stool, turning her face towards the Archangel Gabriel whilst God the Holy Father gazes on her and gives her His blessing. To the right, we can see the scene of the Circumcision that is taking place before a crowded group of witnesses distributed around an altar. The figure of St. Joseph is represented in a praying position.