

Large amount of figures crowd together in the group of the Circumcision
© Albayalde  CC-BY-NC-ND


The figures making up this triptych stand out for being slender and somewhat disproportioned, even the figure of St. Joseph, and for their restful, static postures that are additionally emphasised by the treatment given to the long straight pleats and folds in garments that only spill when they touch the ground, such as in the robe of the Holy Virgin of the Nativity. Only the flying angel located to the right of the centre scenario offers a more complex series of pleats and folds. Composition-wise, the author tends to crowd the figures too close to one another. 

The figures' rather inexpressive faces are dominated by oval-shaped, slightly slanting eyes and short, wide noses. Regarding their hair, the most usual solution given is long, straight locks, rather sparse on some shepherds and with more volume on the figures of the angels. One of their characteristic features is their large, not very delicately finished hands.