- Physical-chemical Analyses (Enrique Parra 1996-1999)
- Preparation with a chalk and animal glue base applied in at least four layers. Average thickness of layer: 250µm.
- Impregnation of animal glue
- Pigments used: white lead, calcite, plaster, charcoal, indigo, vermillion, red and ochre-coloured earth pigment.
- Agglutinates: oil and egg tempera.
- In some samples, traces of egg glaze have been found on the original gilt.
- Wood. Histological study, Enrique Parra (1996-1999)
- Correspondence of polychrome decoration (Centro Cristiano de Restauración (Christian Restoration Centre), 1996-1999)
*Data taken from Fernández-Ladreda, C. and Roldán Marrodán, F.J. (1999)