


The main frame of the altarpiece is made of oak, whereas the figures are carved from walnut. The altarpiece comprises six independent compartments, two on each section, that are joined together in several ways. The rear of the altarpiece is made up of vertical, radially cut beams connected to square corners by flyer joints. Panels on the perimetrical frame are assembled with multiple mortises, both dovetail and mortise and tenon joints that are additionally strengthened with staples. The upper and lower parts of the lateral compartments are attached using flat iron bolts and pins. They are then attached to the central section by cylindrical shaped bolts.

With the exception of some small decorative details, all other architectural decoration is made up of many different pieces that have been glued and joined both together and to the front of the altarpiece.  The apostles have been carved from single pieces of wood, except for some minor details. The left corner of the scene of the Lamentation has been restored; we can see the added piece has been glued into place and then reinforced with spiral shank nails.