


A document preserved in the Vatican Archives tells us who founded the Monte Olivete chapel in which this altarpiece stood. The chapel was located in a corner of the cathedral's cloister.

As stated in this document dated in the year 1459, the idea of founding a chapel started with Juan de Beaumont, a relevant character who was uncle to the heir to the kingdom, the Prince of Viana. Not only was Beaumont responsible for the education of the prince, but he also held the positions of Chancellor and Governor of the Kingdom in addition to that of the Prior of the Order of Jerusalem. This was when Beaumont charged Juan de Subiza, Secretary to the prince who happened to be visiting Rome, to convey his request for permission to build a chapel to Cardinal Besarión, the Archbishop of the Diocese.

The altarpiece remained in its original location until the year 1960. However, when the chapel was closed for worship, it was moved to the premises of the Diocesan Museum and was, more specifically, installed in the cathedral's former refectory.