

Detail of the figures in the centre
© J. Muñiz Petralanda  CC-BY-NC-ND


This relief depicts the moment at which Christ is taken down from the cross on which he was martyred. Three male figures are carrying out this task: one of them, Nicodemus, is still standing on the ladder holding Christ's left arm (currently missing) after removing the nails holding it to the cross. Opposite him, at the foot of the cross wearing an floor-length tunic, is Joseph of Arimathea, who is holding a cloth as a sign of reverence, preparing to take the weight of the body of the Messiah. Kneeling in front of him, we can see a servant who is using a pair of pliers to try and remove the nails from Christ's feet.

The Virgin and St. John are located in a much more discreet background position to the left of the composition as they contemplate the dramatic episode. One of the holy women located in the space between Christ and Nicodemus also watches the scene sadly. References to the surroundings are limited to the skull of Adam located at the very foot of the cross.