

The rear of the piece barely carved
© J. Muñiz Petralanda  CC-BY-NC-ND


This vertical-format, modestly-sized relief comparable to the lateral groups of reliefs of the Belmonte altarpiece is made from one single piece of wood. It was conceived to be seen frontally, which is why we can reasonably suppose it used to form part of an altarpiece: in this particular instance, an altarpiece dedicated to the Passion of Christ.

Bearing in mind the scenario it represents - the Descent From the Cross - it would have been located to the right of the central body of the altarpiece that more than likely depicted the Crucifixion of Christ. This is the same distribution as seen in the altarpiece in the town of Lekeitio.

Quite probably, such as in this particular instance, the shape of the altarpiece would have been in an inverted "T" which was not only the most customary shape of works manufactured in this particular source, but also the predominant shape at the period in which the altarpiece is dated: namely, the beginning of the second half of the XV century.