

Baggy distribution of the figures
© J. Muñiz Petralanda  CC-BY-NC-ND


The author of the work was particularly gifted when it came to composition and defining space. Despite the reduced dimensions of the relief, he was able to distribute seven figures with remarkable talent, surrounding each figure with its own particular space and even establishing spaces between them, all of which transmits a certain feeling of calm to observers. Furthermore, the distribution of the figures gathered around the figure of Christ reinforces the central theme of the scenario by using the body of Christ as a nexus between the people participating in the drama.

As far as the artist's characterisations are concerned, his work may be described as being somewhat more irregular: round faces, large eyes and noses and wide mouths are rather naïve, generally speaking. Most of the figures, however, do seem to transmit a very contained, almost interiorised feeling of grief. Particularly outstanding on account of its dignity is the figure of the servant removing the nails from the feet of Our Saviour.

The contained spill of pleats and folds of the garments and the static postures of the figures all contribute to the prevailing atmosphere of serene drama.