

Central scenario of the upper section: the Dormition of the Virgin
© Servicio de Restauración. Diputación Foral de Álava.  CC-BY


The Sweet Name of Jesus altarpiece consists of a predella with two upper sections divided vertically into three registers, the highest of which is the central section. The central register is crowned with a Roman arch forming a Triumph Arch, whilst the registers on either side are topped with straight entablatures. Vertical registers on the plinth are separated by Ionic columns. Vertical registers on the predella are separated by Corinthian columns. Whilst the columns performing the same dividing function of the second or upper section of the altarpiece are the same in style, their lower and upper thirds are striated. The different compartments are separated by surbased arches decorated with foliations, masks and mythological figures all surmounted by  coffered ceiling vaults that become smaller as they recede. In all instances, lateral panels converge towards the rear, where human figures of secondary importance appear. Only the main scene has an articulated backdrop with a round arch.